Cord of 3 Strands is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization (EIN 47-5102481). Your contributions are tax deductible above $250.All support comes from donors like you.
A gift of any size will help us achieve our outreach goals for the future. Please consider a donation today.
C3S has a policy NEVER to accept a fee or donation of any kind from the people we serve. It is therefore incumbent upon us to raise funds from those who think that what we are doing is worthwhile. THANK YOU for considering a gift today. Any amount will help us to continue our work with those diagnosed with Terminal Cancer.
By Credit Card
Consider a monthly/quarterly/yearly gift through your bank or foundation. Does your employer match your donations? If so, please include company information along with your check or money order.
To pay via credit card or set up an ACH email Reverend Steve at or send Venmo @Stephen-Cobb-10 noting “C3S Donation” today.
By Phone
Reverend Steve Cobb
By Mail
Cord of 3 Strands
P. O. Box 12562
Charlotte, NC 28220
Other Options
Email for more information
Supporting Foundations
- Barbara & Steady Cash Foundation
- Grigg Foundation
- Michael Tarwater Foundation
- Mike & Sharon Jette Foundation
- NCFI/Barnhardt Foundation
- Paul H. Pusey Foundation
- The Nutter Family Charitable Trust
- Triangle Community Foundation on behalf of Sandra Hoke

New Jersey





New York


Raleigh, NC