The Flame of Determination
Steve Cobb“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Cord of 3 Strands sees this every day in the…

Cancer as a River
Steve Cobb
5th Century BC Greek philosopher Heraclitus famously observed, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man”. By this Heraclitus means that the moment you step into a river,…

The Empathetic Approach
Steve CobbRecent Posts on LinkedIn regarding our methodology have brought an overwhelming response. As Executive Director of Cord of 3 Strands I was on the leadership team that observed and developed “The Empathetic Approach” for those dealing with…

Learning to Support Those Living Life with Cancer
Steve CobbThis Post is for the purpose of offering to travel anywhere at any time to speak with any group who is interested in knowing, as closely as possible without having Cancer yourself, first-hand what is in the mind of the Cancer patients they are…

The Importance of Community
Steve CobbThe way we live out our lives each day either adds or subtracts from our humanity. It is so easy for us to develop a shell or casing thinking it is "protecting" us from being harmed by the events surrounding our lives. The inevitable results,…
Cord of 3 Strands
P. O. Box 12562
Charlotte, NC 28220
Reverend Steve Cobb
C3S is Nonprofit
Cord of 3 Strands is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit organization (EIN 47-5102481). Your contributions are tax deductible.